Audition! Audition!! Audition!!!
“Face of AdelineHair&Beauty + 5 In-House Female Models
for Adverts” Needed…..
Adeline Hair & Beauty Salon & Spa co-cordially
invites Female models btw the ages of 16-25years.
From which Six (6)
Female Models will get a year sign on deal with Newly Opened UK salon/spa
branch now live in surulere, Lagos, Nigeria.
To qualify, see below information:
1. Like
our Facebook page @adelinehairandbeauty
2. Follow
us on twitter @adelinebeauty
3. Come to
96 Ogunlana Drive, surulere, Lagos with your pictures & get an Interview
from our Expert on Wednesday 16th & Thursday 17th February
2015. Time: 12noon-4pm
Call: 08107070951, 08022008116 for more information.